Reading old post is like reflecting on my previous thought. So naive yet so true. At least it is true to myself. True to be full of dream. True to enjoy the present. As i always tell myself never ever regret on decision I have made. I should be responsible for it and deal with it.
Now, i am at a point of my life where i am kinda stuck. Stuck in a sense that no advancement can be made. Both career and also mindset. My mind has be tangled by life responsibility, as a child and as a husband recently. The tangling feeling restrict my movement, restrict my mental development and also the dare to dream.
So good to be young, care free and most importantly daring to dream. Dream of achieving the un-achievable, reach milestone that has never set before. Reading my previous post and i laugh at myself. This is me few years back, just this few years can change me that much.
My current career is promising, promising to have a stable income. Is not like i am doing stuff that i hate, i love what i am working on. My passion towards the industry is still burning hot! I hope to tell my future self I am proud be here so don't ever regret. As of the theory of riding high tide of the technology, I think I am surfing on the first wave. The technology of big data analytic. The awesomeness of enormous amount of data and the application is so huge. Prediction, analysis, aggregation.
Some colleagues is leaving for better future, working in foreign country to enjoy the currency exchange. Is Malaysia really that hopeless? What i can do about it? Should i just leave it...... no the proper question is can i leave it? An invitation came from Taiwan few month back, and my answer is that i still have something i wish to achieve. To complete the project and see it working fine. The experience i can gain for working in database and data layer hoping it help on my career path. But does it really matter? Will it even help me leaving the county? So many question none can be answer properly. As i grow older, there are more string on me. I feel heavy, i feel tired.
Hmm ranting here really feel good. Take note the future me. If you feel puzzled and confuse, you should just start ranting here. It might clear out your mind. For now I think will work on those string on me. One day i should find meaning of this string and how it help me to grow. Forward is not always the choice, but growth is mandatory to face bigger challenge. Be strong, be like a sponge, absorb everything in life as much as i can. It will be useful later.
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